Friday 5 June 2015

Today gonna talk about sleep disorder .One of the sleep disorder is sleep talking (quite a bit normal) I think most of the people know sleep talking is a man is talking while asleep. All of us using conscious mind when we are awake , when we asleep our conscious mind will be rest .So our subconscious mind will come out. that's why we are talking while sleeping.

Some seriously will sleepwalking. But when he awake he don't know he is walking while he asleep, he will feel more tire when he wake up. The cause that sleepwalking is the man drunk before sleep , feeling stressful,depression ,anxiety or fatigue. Those will cause u sleepwalking(not 100% will cause you sleepwalking , its depends on your body health,different people different body health) P.S: don't take it too serious.
In general , no treatment is necessary.However , the best way is Relaxation treatment or go see a Psychologist. 

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